Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


Hari ini aQ ingin menulis Tetang seorang Pria yang kupanggil “PAPA”

Ada banyak Panggilan untuk sosok yang menjadi HERO di dunia seorang gadis kecil PAPA,AYAH,DADDY apapun sebutannya itu adalah gelar abadi yang dimiliki seorang Pria ketika dunianya diwarnai Oleh malaikat malaikat kecil yang memperoleh gelar abadi sebagai Anak.
Papa Qu ., sudah berpulang ke Rumah TUHAN ., dan aQ merasa kehilangan .., kehilangan begitu banyak perhatian yang dulu pernah ada .,tapi ada begitu banyak hal yang selalu mengingat Qu pada PAPA .,

Ada sebuah pemandangan yang membuat aQ menerawang kembali  pada PAPA ..,

Seorang Ayah akan melakukan apa saja untuk keluarga .., seorang ayah yang bersedia bekerja lebih keras demi orang orang yang dicintainya .,seorang Ayah yang bersedia untuk mengayuh sepedanya ratusan Mil demi orang orang yang dicintainya tak peduli hujan tak peduli teriknya matahari asalkan bisa memberikan nafkah kepada keluarganya ia bersedia melakukannya ..,Tubuh yang lelah karena harus berjuang dari Pagi sampai Malam itu menjadi bukti bahwa dia menyayangi keluarganya ., (great view)

Semuanya ini mengingatkan aQ pada sosok Papa Qu yang selalu berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik yang bisa dia berikan.,

I am honored to know him, to love him, to be of him.
He’s my hero, and I am his daughter, his little girl

Inilah PAPA     :

Waktu kecil..,Papa mengantar Qu ke sekolah dengan sepeda motor

Papa juga menjemput Qu saat waktu sekolah usai

Sewaktu beranjak Remaja PAPA selalu memastikan kalo putrinya akan tiba di rumah tepat waktu

Bila aQ bermain bersama teman teman Qu maka aQ melihata kekhawatiran di wajah PAPA (PAPA akan benar benar memastikan dengan siapa putrinya pergi)

PAPA selalu menanyakan “Sudah Makan ?”

PAPA adalah orang yang keras tapi sebenaranya PAPA memiliki hati yang sangat lembut

Kalo aQ sakit ..,aQ melihat wajah yang penuh kekawatiran ..,PAPA akan pulang lebih cepat dari kantor dan mengantar putri nya ke dokter..,

PAPA akan menawarkan berbagi menu makanan asal Putrinya Makan

PAPA menaruh tangannya di kepala Putrinya sambil berkata “Papa ambil yach Sakitnya”
PAPA tidak akan tidur dikamarnya waktu putrinya sakit .., PAPA tidur di depan kamar Putrinya..,

Bagi seorang PAPA walaupun Putrinya sudah dewasa .., dia tetap Putri kecil PAPA

Papa dan nasi goreng buatannya .., Enak juga

PAPA makannya lebih banyak dari Qu .,

PAPA ..,kulitnya Coklat dan badannya tinggi

PAPA .,, mungkin bukan yang paling ganteng .., Tapi PAPA Qu begitu Gagah

PAPA yang saat dia sakit selalu pengen dibuatin susu coklat sama putrinya.

PAPA dan aQ kami menyukai Susu Ultra Coklat

PAPA yang saat dia terbaring tak berdaya selalu memanggil Putrinya untuk Berdoa bersama dia

PAPA yang disaat saat terakhir hidupnya selalu ingin ditemani putrinya

PAPA yang menjadi sangat kurus karna sakitnya

Dan bisa menyuapimu PAPA .., Bisa merawat Mu saat kau sakit .., Bisa berdoa untuk Mu PAPA .., semua itu adalah sebuah kesempatan yang berharga yang pernah ada di sepanjang waktu kebersamaan Qt

PAPA dan pada akhirnya aQ melihat Mu terbaring kaku ..,

PAPA terima kasih sudah menjadi PAPA buat Putri Mu .., PAPA sudah menjalankan tugas PAPA dengan baik ..,

PAPA .., aQ mencintai Mu

“F” aithful.
“A” lways there.
“T” rustworthy.
“H” onoring.
“E” ver-loving.
“R” ighteous.
“S” upportive.

42 facts about dads
so when you think dad is a hasty person. the one who doesn't let you do this and that. then re-think after you read this. what he thinks and what you think the reason why is not as simple as you think it will be. :) so happy reading..
1. Dad wants his kids to have a lot more opportunities than he had in his life, face less problems, not a person who always depends on some other person and (but) always need his attendance to be with.

2. Dad lets you win in every games when you were small, but he won't let you win when you grow up.

3. Dad is rarely seen in Family Album cause he's the one who always takes the picture of them.

4. Dad always fulfil his promises! he will hold his promises to help his friend though maybe going out with you is alot more fun.

5. Dad is always upset even just a bit as he watches his child hang out with their friends. cause it's when he realise it's the end of their childhood activity.

6. Dad has started to plan about your life as soon as he knew you mom is pregnant, but when you were born, he made a revision.

7. Dad helps you on pursuing your dreams to be true even he could encourage you to do impossible things, like swimming in a pool after he let go.

8. Dad maybe doesn't know the answer of everything you ask, but he will help you to find it.

9. Dad maybe looks fierce on your eyes, but not on your friends'. he looks kind and caring person on theirs.

10. Dad doesn't easily makes new friends but he maintains his friendship.

11. Dad is really happy when he helps others.. but he finds out that it isn't easy to ask for one.

12. Dad in the kitchen. cooking like a scientific explorers. he has his own formulas on his own food, and only him who understands them and know how to solve those complicated equations. the result :"not to bad though"

13. Dad maybe never learns how to sweep, but he's a fast learner.

14. Dad knows the most how to push the swing you're sitting at the exact high to not scare you.

15. Dad will be very happy when he bought you food when he gets back from work, even if he doesn't get a piece.

16. Dad always prays for us to be a successful person in the world ever, though we rarely pray for him.

17. Dad will give you best seat by lifting you on his shoulders when parade passes by.

18. Dad will never cuddle you when you're sick, but he won't sleep the whole night. who knows you'll need him.

19. Dad assumes a person should stand by his own, so he won't tell you what to do, but he will say his disagreement on something.

20. Dad believes that someone should be punctual. and that's why he's the one who waits you earlier.

22. He will forget what he wants to give everything you want.

23. He stops whatever he's doing at the time when you want to talk to him.

24. He always think and works hard to pay for your livings everyday though you never count how many wrinkles he has everyday on his forehead.

25. Dad lifts heavy burdens from your shoulder by holding his hand around it.

26. Dad will say : "ask your mom." when he wants to say: "no"

27. Dad is never angry, but his face will turns red when he knows his daughter had a sleepover on her friend's house without his knowing.

28. And he is almost never mad, except when he finds out his son smokes in the toilet.

29. Dad says,, It's fine to take little risks if you're strong enough to loose everything you've ever wanted.

30. the best compliment for a dad is when he sees you doing good things exactly the way he does it his way..

31. Dad is more proud on your achievements than his own's

32. Dad will only shakes your hand when he first sees you about to wander leaving the house, cause if he hugs you, he's afraid that he won't be able to let you go.

33. Dad doesn't like to tear.. when you were born and he heard you singing for the first time, he was very happy and that's when he tear. (ssshhh. but once again, this is not crying)

34. when you were small, he would hug you to shoo away your fears.. when you dream you'll be killed by a monster

35. but.. the truth is he could cry and couldn't sleep all night long, when his daughter went away without giving him any news for almost more than a month.

36. Dad once said: "if you want to get a real sharp sword and a good quality ones, don't ever find it in the market, but come and order it directly from the blacksmith. and that's how you get your love and friends in your life, if you want to get your true love soon, so then order it from "The One Who Made Them"

37. for his son's future he ordered: "be stronger and braver than i am. choose a better mother than your mom could ever be, give better to your families and my grands soon, more than i've ever given to you

38. and for his daughter's future he ordered: "don't be a cry baby though you're a woman, always be my little angel and better angel for your kids soon! a man that can protect you better than a dad can give, but never change your dad's position in your heart"

39. Dad insists, that your children in the future should be better than you were.

40. Dad can make you confident... cause he trusts you

41. Dad doesn't try to be the best, but he tries to do the best.

42. and the most important thing is.. Dad never prevents you to love God, he'll even gives you thousands way to get His love, cause He loves you because of the Love He has.

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